The Jodhi Project

Following the 9 principles of regenerative practice, The Jodhi Project, is a multinational food security project is set to transform the food production, distribution and consumption verticals by combining agro-forestry and ag-tech enabled indoor farming principles in the establishment of Jodhi Growing Centres. The aim is to generate our land at the same time as provide economic empowerment to local communities as well as protect our food supply from the threats of climate change. There are two investment opportunities available through the Jodhi Project.

First, we are establishing our Global Regenerative Agriculture Real Estate Fund, which is a fund designed to acquire real estate assets and develop those assets to become Jodhi Growing Centres. Second, we have the Jodhi Global Alliance, which is a technology company designed to establish and maintain the blockchain based tech platform for global alliance building and distribution, which also has white label opportunities.

To find out more about this unique opportunity to transform the health of our food, our communities and our planet which an alternative mechanism to scale where we produce local and replicate global, contact us.